
Sunday, November 9, 2014

transformations weight loss

Incredible transformations after weight loss

Losing weight can sometimes be a struggle, but are too heavy to ensure severe health problems. CanThese women understood that they could no longer go too heavy through life and chose to be fit and healthy. There is no panacea, no specific transformation sport. For each of these women is that they were watching their diet and were active, and remained persevere.
Now they want their story to inspire and motivate others to do the same. The now fit ladies explain here how they have lost the pounds. Come on summer!
Drididi Byrd: 87.5 pounds to 62.6 pounds 
Drididi threw all sugary drinks out the door and went over to drinking water. She also started each day with a healthy breakfast and she did every day workout of 30 minutes. 
Christina Taylor: 145 kilos to 90.7 kilos 
Christina motivated himself by making a Facebook page where they post pictures and updates about her weight. She stopped eating fast food and started lifting weights in the gym.

Amanda Green: 74.8 pounds to 54.4 pounds 
She stopped eating chips and desserts. She also tried frantically running.

Courtney Stearns: 82.6 kilos to 59 kilos 
She intensive boxing.

Katrina McCloud: 100 kilos to 61.2 
She replaced white bread and pasta with whole grain bread and vegetables also they started running before she went to work. Later she stopped eating and drinking dairy and she went to the gym.

Melanie Kitchen: 90.7 pounds to 59.4 pounds 
Melanie began to make lengthy walks and cooking at home, rather than eating takeaways. She also went for breakfast and replaced by ice frozen yogurt.

Zakiee Labib: 108 to 60.8 pounds 
She found out that she twice the recommended amount of food at each day. She started to eat healthy meals such as pasta with lots of vegetables. In addition, she started running, weight training and kickboxing.

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