macrobiotiek-dieet In the list of 'interesting diets on which we want to know the "Macrobiotics should not be missed. In this article you can read more about this special nutrition and attitudes that are hidden behind it. You read it to me?
What is Macrobiotics?
Macrobiotics is actually called a diet. It is a nutrition and health education. It's a way of life. That sounds very different than a diet. It was the Japanese George Ohsawa who discovered and developed this doctrine. Macrobiotics is a combination of 5,000 years of experience and knowledge of Japanese Zen Buddhism and Western science. In this nutrition is central that yin and yang must be in balance.
Macrobiotics is based on the ideas of Zen Buddhism. The word "macrobiotics," which is derived from the Greek, can be fairly easily translated. 'Makros' means big, "bios," meaning life. Loosely translated, we can
making it "the art of living comprehensive."
The macrobiotic diet is quite strict and austere diet. It contains simplicity, balance and self-discipline central. Sounds pretty Japanese! Today many people are looking for peace and balance, so perhaps this diet is sometimes hype.
Now you know a little more about where nutrition comes from and what it means. But you do not know what someone eats macrobiotic living Zoal. We are going to tell you!
Macrobiotic food
The standard diet of a person who eats macrobiotic, is as follows:
50-60% cereals and cereal
20-25% vegetables
12% legumes and seaweed
6% soup
7% other products
You might notice that the diet mainly contains many grains and vegetables. It is important to note here is that, according to the teachings of the macrobiotiek the vegetables and fruits may not be chemically treated. That is: no fertilizer may be used, no other animal fertilizers and the plant should not be grown in greenhouses. Chemicals and dyes are unacceptable.
In short, do you come from organic and preferably regionally grown fruits and vegetables. You can assume that these are products where all the vitamins and fibers are still preserved in. There's no mess to pass. Thanks so so healthy!
It is striking that spices are avoided. Food should be enjoyed as pure as possible. Also, it is recommended to put on every morsel to chew about 50 times. This helps digestion.
In the heart of the matter the Macrobiotic diet is much like a vegan diet. But perhaps we could say that this is just one step further. After all, a vegan does not necessarily organic vegetables to eat, can indulge in tropical fruit and he can eat a dish with lots of spices. Alternatively eat someone Macrobiotic eating quite a few times a week and you can fish from a vegan not say that.
Cooking techniques that are commonly used in macrobiotic cooking are:
pressure cooking
briefly fried (tempura)
There are no spices used in principle, but to bring the food to taste is for miso and unrefined sea salt made an exception. Macrobiotic food does absolutely not to be bland in taste and with the many cooking techniques out there, it is possible to conjure up creative meals on the table.
Daily food
You're likely to become curious about what someone eats macrobiotic living do on a day. We have it below for you to put a row:
Cereals: the basis of every meal is that it consists of 50-60% of whole grains. You can think of brown rice and whole grain varieties of wheat, barley, millet, rye, corn, buckwheat and other whole grains. Oatmeal, noodles, pasta, bread and other flour products are not daily, but eaten occasionally.
Legumes: 10% of the daily diet. Think of lentils, chickpeas, tofu, tempeh, and chickpeas.
Vegetables: 25-30% of the daily diet. Organic and unprocessed. Preferably also grown locally.
Soup: there are 1 or 2 cups of soup eaten daily. The base of this soup is miso, shoyu or tamari (Japanese soy sauces) seaweed and vegetables.
Animal products: are not eaten in principle. However, several times a week, there is a small amount of fish or seafood on the menu. One should eat this together with horseradish, wasabi or ginger. These products detoxify the body of the effect that fish has on our bodies.
Seeds and nuts: modestly these eaten. Not every day.
Fruits: microbrews should be eaten. So no tropical fruits such as mangoes and pineapples. Fruit is eaten several times a week; not every day.
Desserts and sweets are sometimes permitted, provided that they are sweetened with natural resources such as rice syrup and barley malt.
Healthy or unhealthy?
As with any diet, or any nutrition, also comes to Macrobiotics a lot of commentary. For example, the food would generally be too salty. Macrobiotic food can indeed be quite salty. Frequent use is made of miso, tamari or Shoya and sea salt. On the other hand, someone who does not eat fast Macrobiotic something ready-klaars food from a supermarket. Because of this he gets on the field again within less salt than anyone else.
Also, there is sometimes criticized as: why so little fruit? Why no animal products? Why so sober eat? It is true that there is less fruit eaten. On the other hand there was again a lot of vegetables (and thus fiber and vitamins) eaten. Animal products bring fat and cholesterol with a diet. This is avoided in the Macrobiotics. And sober? It's just what you call sober. When you consider how many fruits and cereals are there, then you can still just ahead with your inspiration!
Health Benefits of Macrobiotics
Fortunately, we hear not just criticism or negative comments about the macrobiotic lifestyle. People who have suffered under this dietetics give life to many health benefits.
Because the food contains little saturated fat and fast carbs, the risk of heart disease and obesity to a minimum. Because hardly any animal products to be eaten and sugar, the chance of getting various types of cancer is reduced. In short, macrobiotic food would ever be able to give a huge boost to your health!
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