If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you will receive a special dieetiste gestational diabetes diet. Often some adjustments in your diet more than sufficient to prevent the risks to the mother and the child. On this page we have gathered especially for what you may eat, but also what is not. One quick tip is eat as many whole grain products. These ensure that your blood sugar stays low.
Below is the advice that you need per day on average in terms of food.
5 to 7 slices bread
Use margarine instead of butter ordinary butter
1 to 2 slices of cheese, but preferably no fat cheese
1 or 2 slices of lean meats (eg ham or chicken breast)
Approximately 2 to 3 glasses of milk or any other type of milk product. Preferably full or lean
Drink enough, at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day
Potatoes (3 to 5 parts), or 150 to 200 grams of rice or pasta
Approximately 200 grams of vegetables
75 grams of meat, chicken or fish.
2 pieces of fruit a day (about 200g)
Take a day not more than one sandwich meats containing liver, such as liver sausage, liver pate, pate, Hausmacher Berliner liver sausage and cheese.
It is important to get within fluid at least 1.5 liter per day. This does not mean you can drink only water, but you could even drink coffee or tea without sugar. Soft drinks may also but this should be light. Think for example, Coca Cola light or zero, Chocolate Orange Light, Crystal Clear or Rivella. Orangeade may even sugar-free lemonade (eg Curious George, Burg lime light, Teissiere). Drink no light fruit juices. Because these fruit juices are made, and these juices always contain fruit sugar.
Drink a glass of water after meals, which cuts sugars in the blood removed faster and your blood sugar will rise less rapidly. Optionally you after meals also take a short walk of about 15 minutes. This then should, however, take place immediately after the meal.
The culprits are often Pata, pizza, and of course pancakes. These products contain in relation to potatoes, pasta and rice more carbohydrates. It is of course not prohibited but is often strongly discouraged. If you can not avoid coming here then hold good account of the quantity and determine whether it is safe to eat these products. Obviously chocolate also not recommended, because chocolate is also packed with sugar. Try to avoid these products during pregnancy.
Be careful with your sugar intake, too much sugar does not fit in a healthy diet, and not at all in diabetic patients. It is advisable for everyone to use less sugar. There are plenty of products available in the shop where no sugar has been added that the sugar is replaced with a sweetener. These products fit perfectly within a gestational diabetes diet. In normal use (small amounts) these sweeteners provide no additional risk for your baby.
Do not go on extreme diet if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. This can cause a shortage of nutrients in both the mother and the child. The woman will lose about five pounds after childbirth and during the postpartum period for another four pounds. If your postpartum breastfeeding the average woman will lose weight faster than women who do not breastfeed. If it is not possible to breastfeed you after pregnancy diet to achieve weight before pregnancy again.
If you are found with gestational diabetes you from your dietician receive a specific gestational diabetes diet that you can follow during your pregnancy.
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