Underactive thyroid
Coconut oil boosts energy levels
An underactive thyroid gland is probably the main cause of obesity in women. The thyroid gland to make less active case is being used to fatten animals. (94) Overweight, cold hands and feet, lower body temperature, constipation, lack of energy, decreased sexual appetite, allergies and chronic tired-eid are possible consequences of a malfunctioning thyroid gland.
Experiments in animals have now found that lauric acid stimulates the combustion and it does the body temperature rise. Which means that the thyroid gland is activated. This could be an important tool for people with an underactive thyroid.Coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid and increases energy levels and makes the body burn more calories (the thermogenic effect). (83, 84)
In other words. Coconut oil helps your body produce more energy, the supply of iodine from seaweed and exercise in the open air work synergistically with coconut oil. Both provide a more active thyroid.
Experiments in animals have now found that lauric acid stimulates the combustion and it does the body temperature rise. Which means that the thyroid gland is activated. This could be an important tool for people with an underactive thyroid.Coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid and increases energy levels and makes the body burn more calories (the thermogenic effect). (83, 84)
In other words. Coconut oil helps your body produce more energy, the supply of iodine from seaweed and exercise in the open air work synergistically with coconut oil. Both provide a more active thyroid.
Women beware!
Excessive use of soy products - which are rich in isoflavones - can cause an underactive thyroid. This was, among other things established in children who used a lot of soy products. (95) Already 30g soy products per day caused some adults slower thyroid.(96) According to Dr. D. Sheehan and dr. D. Doerge are the isoflavones (plant estrogens) in soy that can suppress the production of thyroid hormones (National Center for Toxicological Research). Thyroid Problems come in Asia over here with us. The consumption of soy is in Japan on average 30 g and 10 g per day in China. So: say yes to soy, but use it sparingly.Soy is a supplementary feeding, no main power. Soy also contains phytates which we absorb fewer minerals, they contain antitrypsines that the digestion of proteins bemoelijken and they contain many isoflavones (genistein and daidzein), which are positive in small quantities, but slow thyroid in larger quantities.
Also excessive use of whole or crushed flaxseed (linseed), flaxseed oil combined with increased particle linseed (flaxseed oil is not pure), peanuts and pine nuts may, like fluoride and mercury have a suppressive effect on the thyroid.
Also excessive use of whole or crushed flaxseed (linseed), flaxseed oil combined with increased particle linseed (flaxseed oil is not pure), peanuts and pine nuts may, like fluoride and mercury have a suppressive effect on the thyroid.
A sluggish thyroid
Beware of too many PUFAs
Too many polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to suppress the release of the thyroid hormones. Known since 1950 that an excess of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) metabolism slows down and may be the cause of an underactive thyroid. The estrogen levels can increase and decrease the progesterone and pregnenolone levels. (94) Too many PUFAs could reduce the effectiveness of our power in the cells (the mitochondria) by suppressing the action of certain enzymes and by a deficiency of antioxidants, due to the excessive oxidation of the sensitive PUFAs. In addition, the more we use MOVs, the worse the cells respond to thyroid hormones. (132)
Sluggish thyroid too much cholesterol and too much homocysteine
An underactive thyroid can be the reason of too much homocysteine in the blood. Because an underactive thyroid does absorb less vitamin B. A deficiency of vitamin B causes higher homocysteine levels. A high homocysteine level is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Since 1930 also aware that a slow thyroid cholesterol levels and that does activating the thyroid can cholesterol lowering. This is because the thyroid cholesterol impetus to form hormones and bile acids. (132)
Since 1930 also aware that a slow thyroid cholesterol levels and that does activating the thyroid can cholesterol lowering. This is because the thyroid cholesterol impetus to form hormones and bile acids. (132)
Coconut oil and MCTs
For those who want to lose weight
The medium chain fatty acids (MCTs) in coconut give more than the long chain fatty acids (LCT) and MCT are broken down faster than LCT fats (83, 84) which provides a double benefit energy: more energy and less fat storage Ideal for weight loss. or get a better muscle / paraffin gauze attitude. A study in humans shows that MCT can increase metabolism by 12%compared to 4% with LCT. This is great news for dieters with an underactive thyroid (108). And people LCTs, such as peanut oil and sesame oil are stored as fat faster and faster oxidative rancidity. Rancid fats cause damage to cell membranes. Result they suppress the conversion of the T4 thyroid hormone T4 to the active thyroid hormone, which is reflected as an underactive thyroid gland (94). MCTs from coconut do not. Dr.R. Peat, a hormone specialist recommends the use of coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and butter with thyroid problems. The thyroid also needs sufficient vitamin A, which the body can safely make out sufficient carotenoids of red palm oil.
Weight loss
with MCTs from extra virgin coconut oil
The cattle industry has shown that it is hard to fatten animals with MCTs (coconut oil). If we try this with LCTs as PUFAs (from eg. Safflower oil or fish oil), then this is easier. MCTs are difficult to store as fat. They are broken down and used as energy. If the cattle industry would lean pork, she goes to the pigs in the last phase feeding with saturated fats. Coconut is the richest source of saturated fatty acids. (90) If one wants to fatten animals, manage this easily with LCTs (long chain fatty acids) such as fish oil and animal fats. Animals with a high MCT diet store 60% less fat than animals that have a low fat diet had the same calories. (92) in other words a low-fat diet will make you less than a diet adequate in MCTs and MCTs slimming significantly less than recorded LCTs. Coconut oil is the richest source of MCTs. Americans know that yet. Since they are massively switched to MOVs they have become the fattest nation in the world. MOVs have long chain fatty acids, which are stored as fat and only used as a last resort as energy because they are difficult to break down.
Rich in PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are:
Fish oil, linseed oil, evening primrose oil, saffl oerolie, sunflower oil, soybean oil, hemp oil, corn oil, pumpkin seed oil, sesame oil, etc ...
Rich in LCTs (long chain fatty acids) are: Fats come from animals, butter (mainly contain saturated fat), olive oil, canola or rapeseed oil (contain a lot of monounsaturated fats) and of course all the above MOVs: fish oil, evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, soya oil, sunflower oil, saffl oerolie, corn oil, peanut oil (groundnut), etc ...
Rich in PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are:
Fish oil, linseed oil, evening primrose oil, saffl oerolie, sunflower oil, soybean oil, hemp oil, corn oil, pumpkin seed oil, sesame oil, etc ...
Rich in LCTs (long chain fatty acids) are: Fats come from animals, butter (mainly contain saturated fat), olive oil, canola or rapeseed oil (contain a lot of monounsaturated fats) and of course all the above MOVs: fish oil, evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil, soya oil, sunflower oil, saffl oerolie, corn oil, peanut oil (groundnut), etc ...
Electro-magnetic energy of one drop of extra virgin coconut oil |
More energy and higher combustion
with MCTs from coconut oil
MCTs do in a study among male metabolism (burning) increased by 12% compared with LCT only 4%. Which means that more energy is produced and more calories are burned with MCTs from coconut oil. That's good for your weight and good for your vitality. Researchers argue that (eg. Sunflower oil and olive oil) replaced in an eating by MCT fat as fat as LCT, this will result in long-term weight reduction. (93)
Lose weight with MCTs from coconut oil
We can of coconut oil that helps them to lose weight pounds or lesser pace.
1. MCTs contain 10% fewer calories than other fats It is widely accepted that all fats contain 9.2 calories per gram (eg. Olive oil or butter). However this is not entirely true. MCTs in coconut oil contains only 8.3 calories per gram, which is 10% less. What can this mean in theory? In a 2,000 cal diet with 30% fat, 600 calories will come from fat. Would like these are all from MCT, mean intake is only 540 calories (60 calories / day). If we multiply this by 365 days, then that is a calorie savings of 21 900 cal. That's almost 3 kg of fat or 8 to 10 kg body weight. In practice, this could mean a saving of 2 to 3 kg body weight can be as we have 30% of our fats replaced by coconut oil this mean per year. For many people the kilos that they fight every year. 2. MCTs are less likely saved and praise of burned What we save we overeat. About that is he Dereen agree. But not all nutrients are stored as easy. MCTs from coconut oil will be used as energy. The effect of losing weight with coconut oil has been shown by several researchers. (25,26,27) Does that mean that we go when we replaced by coconut oil we some fats to lose weight easily? Yes, and there's more good news: A comprehensive report from 2002 by Marie-Pierre St-Onge and Peter Jones of McGill University, Quebec, Canada, on how to deal with MCTs obesity. (5) The authors studied 30 studies and concluded that there taking positive effects of MCTs on metabolism, satiety, body weight and body fat, are true. In most studies it was seen that there is an increased metabolism (energy and higher combustion) was after taking 30 to 40% of fats from MCTs in coconut. In Spain they came to the conclusion in 1998 that coconut oil burning fat rats reduced. | ||
Extra virgin coconut oil and weight: | ||
1) Coconut oil contains relatively less calories than other fats 2) Coconut oil is mainly used as energy 3) Coconut oil is hardly stored as fat 4) Coconut oil creates more heat (thermogenesis) 5) Coconut oil provides more calorie burning (due to increased metabolism) 6) Coconut oil also does burn other fats faster (28) |
Coconut oil and fasting
A Dutch master in martial arts and yoga living on raw food. He is extremely der energetic, healthy and in balance. Every year he does a two-week fasting cure Selftime jumping with mountain water Pineo and coconut oil. This purifies his body and mind, keeps his body tight and gives him more spiritual wealth. What does this treatment? 1 to 2 liters of water a day - initially 2 liters and gradually less and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil per day as a meal, which he swishes in the mouth. And nothing more. This is as easy as eating less. And it gives your body a chance to heal itself and balance. The animal kingdom provides excellent examples of fasting.
For better weight control
Replace some sugars in your diet with coconut oil
The more carbohydrates (bread, pasta, potatoes) and sugars you substitute extra virgin coconut oil, the less you'll have fluctuations in your blood sugar! This means a more prolonged satiety, less hunger pangs between meals, less hungry at the next meal and thus a better weight control Simple:. Carbohydrates and sugars replaced by morning, afternoon and evening one dessert but preferably 1 tablespoon coconut oil. You're done.
Coconut oil is the secret ingredient in your protein diet
No sugar, low carbs, more protein and sufficient fats are necessary for a protein diet to succeed. Short sugars especially rapidly increase blood sugar, then sometimes followed by a decrease feelings of hunger such ups and downs tired is to avoid. Proteins do not affect blood sugar. Coconut oil will reduce fluctuations in blood sugar levels and ensures that you get less hunger pangs between meals. Coconut oil also causes faster if you come with a sense of saturation table, increases your energy levels and metabolic rate. Coconut oil is the secret ingredient that gives you protein diet a chance. Adding coconut oil to your meals helps overeating and snacking in between to avoid! Add to your protein diet in the morning, afternoon and evening at least one dessert spoon and preferably 1 tablespoon coconut oil. You will lose weight faster and easier.
No fast carbs, no refined sugars in your protein diet, but coconut oil
All healthy and unrefined fats, with a preference for MCT-fats from coconut oil strengthen a protein diet. If you experience tomorrow that you coconut oil have less ups and downs in your blood sugar, less hunger pangs, then you will see that losing weight is a lot easier. Coconut oil makes your protein diet easier because by adding coconut fats with healthy carbohydrates that less or no influence will have on your blood sugar (hunger and hunger pangs). make the protein diet is a lot more accessible and easier. Coconut oil gives you protein diet a chance to succeed.
When eating healthy carbs you add some coconut oil or prepare them with coconut oil: no white bread, white rolls or baguette but pompernikkel- or other whole grain bread with coconut oil smeared, no white rice but brown rice (eg basmati.) And a bit of coconut oil, no cornflakes or rice crispies but oatmeal, no white or brown sugar but (in moderation) agave or gran syrup, no dried dates, raisins, bananas or figs, apples, pears, grapefruit, no sugar rich chocolate or (in moderation ) chocolate with 70 or better yet 85% cocoa.
No fries or mashed potatoes, but (in moderation) jacket potato. No to processed foods buttraditional basic nutrition. These carbohydrate with coconut accessible in each protein diet.Organic eggs may not, be limited and various cheeses (preferably raw cheeses and cottage cheese).You should only choose a protein diet all the healthy protein foods: various legumes (lentils, azuki, soy ...), protein-rich vegetables such as watercress, sprouts, soy sprouts, wheat germ, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce. Be moderate with parsnips, boiled carrots and pumpkin. Use herbs abundantly. Possibly but not necessarily organic chicken, pork, beef and sheep meat, game and fresh small deep sea fish. Not. Remember a few notes
Tip: fast sugars are slow sugar with coconut Did you know that if you are adding to simple sugars or slow sugars fast carbs and slow carbs healthy fats. Since fat slows digestion and ensures that fast sugars are released slowly. One tip if you want to have a globe, without having to fall into cravings !!!. Warning: I'm against any chemical or artificial sugars they do not affect blood sugar but can harm your health. A protein diet full of chemical sweeteners is like dieting and smoke. They verhinde the absorption of healthy nutrients, are laxative and make your breath smell. You will lose weight but you are not healthier. That can not be the intention, that is not wise.
When eating healthy carbs you add some coconut oil or prepare them with coconut oil: no white bread, white rolls or baguette but pompernikkel- or other whole grain bread with coconut oil smeared, no white rice but brown rice (eg basmati.) And a bit of coconut oil, no cornflakes or rice crispies but oatmeal, no white or brown sugar but (in moderation) agave or gran syrup, no dried dates, raisins, bananas or figs, apples, pears, grapefruit, no sugar rich chocolate or (in moderation ) chocolate with 70 or better yet 85% cocoa.
Tip: fast sugars are slow sugar with coconut Did you know that if you are adding to simple sugars or slow sugars fast carbs and slow carbs healthy fats. Since fat slows digestion and ensures that fast sugars are released slowly. One tip if you want to have a globe, without having to fall into cravings !!!. Warning: I'm against any chemical or artificial sugars they do not affect blood sugar but can harm your health. A protein diet full of chemical sweeteners is like dieting and smoke. They verhinde the absorption of healthy nutrients, are laxative and make your breath smell. You will lose weight but you are not healthier. That can not be the intention, that is not wise.
Coconut oil helps you lose weight. And solve many health problems.
Coconut oil helps you to be. Slim, healthy and full of energy Coconut oil is an easily degradable fat provides more energy and less fat storage. Moreover, according to Dr.Robert Atkins, 20% of people with his Atkins diet did not lose weight by fungal infection in the intestine. Coconut helps to combat fungal infections, yeast infections do disappear and strengthens your resistance Coconut does.
good for you ... moreover coconut oil many gastrointestinal problems, she viruses, bacteria body and stimulates the thyroid gland. Coconut oil gives you a soft skin and more libido.
'Fat promotes testosterone production and that is the most important muscle building hormone "" The washboard diet, "David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker. And without testosterone no libido in men as well as women.
good for you ... moreover coconut oil many gastrointestinal problems, she viruses, bacteria body and stimulates the thyroid gland. Coconut oil gives you a soft skin and more libido.
'Fat promotes testosterone production and that is the most important muscle building hormone "" The washboard diet, "David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker. And without testosterone no libido in men as well as women.
Slimming "When the body is long time put on a low fat diet, stop gewichtsver groin," Dr. and epidemiologist W. Willet. In Int. Journal of Obesity researchers from Brigham, Boston and Harvard School came to the conclusion that you lose less with a low-fat diet (20% fat) than a diet with 35% of calories come from fat. Conclusion: without enough healthy fats a healthy and slim body.
The coconut oil diet: Eat healthy fats and fat loss
The ko kosoliedieet get you back on track as nature desirable. Traditional basic food with sufficient and healthy vett. You will notice that the hours go by without hunger pangs. Your blood sugar under control and that hunger will disappear after meals because of the saturated fats sin Com- feeling about you. Coconut oil ensures that there is in the stomach and in the small intestine signals to the brains indicated that you are saturated. Meals with healthy coconut fats taste good and make your diet too much. Coconut oil is broken down rapidly to energy stored as fat and the least of all healthy fats. Studies of the last 15 years in Italy, Japan, USA, Canada, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic and France confirm that coconut oil raise energy levels and promotes weight loss. The Middlesex Hospital in London tested four diets with 1,000 calories: 90% fat, 90% protein, 90% carbohydrates and a varied diet. Those 90% fat diet lost significantly more than the other diets. The Finnish lumberjacks are proof. They consume 50% of their calories from saturated fat and not fat.
Fats contain two times more calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates (sugars), but your appetite 4 to 5 times faster. This is one of the reasons why people who eat healthy fats remain easier to lose weight or slim. Dr. H. Newbold Type A and Type B, weightloss book
What causes
Dr. G. Frost of the Hammersville Hospital in London told the BBC on 14/3/05 that obesity should be tackled by unhealthy ingredients in processed food and junk food to replace them with healthier alternatives. Coconut oil is such a healthy alternative.What causes obesity? One. The food calorie foods with no nutritional value such as dry biscuits, all of candy bars, croissants and sugary soft drinks cause obesity.Calories are stored but your body continues to look for nutritional vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc ... The calories are there but still feel hungry. 2. An underactive thyroid which we burn fewer calories than normal. 3.Too many sugars and refi ned carbohydrates that make your blood sugar rise quickly, but then do it again soon decrease and thus trigger hunger attacks. You 'jojoot' each between ecstasy and hunger. 4. Too many unhealthy fats such as refi ned super vegetable oil, frying oil, margarines and heated MOV with trans fats and all kinds of products in which these unhealthy fats are used. These complicate burn fat and suppress our energy levels. 5. Not good to cope with stress. Stress hormones increase insulin production and make you store more food and calories. 6. Too little exercise. Exercise boosts metabolism after exercise.
Coconut oil and weight loss
The secret of coconut
lies in the MCTs
The secret of coconut oil is in the shorter chain length of its fats. These are mainly the medium chain fatty chains, called MCTs. 1. MCTs are rapidly broken down in the body and almost immediately converted into energy. (102) For example, a study in 2000 confirmed that MCTs are three times degraded faster than LCTs, these fats with long chain fatty acids. (American Journal of Clinical nutrtion) in this same journal published in 1991 a study indicating that if you passed LCTs far captures by MCTs from coconut oil increase your body temperature and thyroid activated with a higher calorie burning as a result. is
2. Fat storage is hardly likely because coconut oil is better than any other oil your metabolism and metabolic rate. (104) In other words, MCTs burn quickly and significantly less stored as fat. According to Mary Enig BE MADE MCTs not easily used by the body to store them. A special feature of MCT is that they stimulate fat burning with more energy. That is why the traditional population of Polynesia with a high-fat diet yet slim. (105) In contrast, long chain fatty acids, such as those found in fish, animals and many vegetable oils, slowly digested, slowly degradable and easily stored as fat. (103). Research into obesity McGill University found that MCTs 60% present in coconut oil, ideal for weight loss 3. The coconut diet allows you to enjoy healthy fats and try to ban. Unhealthy fats from your life Unhealthy fats slow down your metabolism and make people fat and sick. Remember that almost all processed products such as biscuits and ready meals contain unhealthy fats. Unhealthy fats have no taste and cheaper and are therefore much used.
Coconut oil and athletes,
ideal for the Lean Body Diet
and the Weight Gain Diet
Athletes can use extra virgin coconut oil to support their training and incorporate coconut oil as a major asset in their food habits. These fats are conducive to the protein intake of minerals. Fat burning and shooting (14,15,16) Both the Weight Gain Diet while trying to build more muscle and in the Lean Body diet which is working on a better bone / muscle ratio relative to fat mass. Bodybuilders use coconut oil too often at the stage of their games, when everything thing is done to the muscles are as defined best possible way.
Coconut oil is the richest source of MCTs or fats with medium chain fatty acids. Per gram they contain two times more than protein or carbohydrate hydrates energy. But these MCTs are hardly stored as fat but are rapidly burned and are available as energy to train more. The MCTs in coconut oil do not need carnitine to be burned. As a result they provide a better bone / muscle to fat ratio and can help build muscle mass. They ensure that during heavy training athletes do not get into a catabolic situation. This is the situation in which muscle proteins are broken down to serve as a source of energy. When the body is active, it initially blood sugar (glucose) and sugar stock in the cells (glycogen). Sometimes after 1 or 2 hours of training already used. If your body fat can not speak well at that time, then chances are that you end up in a catabolic situation and muscle proteins start breaking down for energy. The MCTs in coconut oil provide super fast and easily available energy in the form of easily digestible medium chain fatty acids. In other words, coconut oil allows for greater energy supplies so that you can train or sports without breaking down muscle tissue. The athlete now has sugars and MCTs as fast energy supplies available. Other fats are not suited for this because are initially stored and only serve as emergency power stockist. Coconut oil also increases endurance athletes. Because as long as you have sufficient sugars and rapidly degradable MCTs available to you, continue to exercise and perform. Coconut oil has a harmonizing effect on blood sugar and promotes the absorption of minerals and amino acids (proteins). It is ideal in protein or milk whey, weight gain shakes, egg dishes and soups. Coconut is delicious and easy to use with everything that makes you ready, use 3 to 6 coffee spoons a day, in about 3 to 6 meals or more concentrated for maximum performance:. One hour before training or competition and flat afterwards to prevent the breakdown of proteins. Coconut oil is liquid from 25 ° C. In many free radicals are formed by the top-level sport physical stress on the body, as well as consumed by the mass of oxygen. Top sports without additional protection against free radicals will age. Moderate exercise keeps you young. Coconut oil can help you because these fats are not susceptible to oxidation and because they help increase their antimicrobial activity. Our resistance Adding red palm oil with its rich source of carotenes and vitamin E can moreover provide a booster of antioxidants.
Trans fats prevent muscle formation Trans fats prevent building muscle and protein shortages can stand. (182) This is because muscles prostaglandins (type of hormone) to and these prostaglandins are formed from essential fatty acids. Have to be formedGiven that trans fatty acids conversion complicate or even prevent it laid the link immediately. Extra virgin coconut oil contains no trans fats. Another reason to cook with coconut oil. Essential fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid (omega-3 and 6).
The extra virgin coconut oil diet
Eat three meals a day and do not miss breakfast. Eat healthy food and limit your calories. Add coconut oil to every meal. You will eat well and feel better, you have the compulsion to snack between meals and go with the table feeling satisfied. Preferably eat unrefined ordinated diet, eat lots of vegetables and fruit, regularly eat whole grain and sprouted grains, do not use refined salt, but unrefined sea salt or rock crystal, use lots of herbs and spices. Forget beans, nuts and fermented foods. Cook only in stainless steel or enamel. Non-stick pans are unacceptable. If you choose to dairy, please raw cheeses, with live lactic acid bacteria. Raw milk and yoghurtsPreferably, semi-skimmed or whole milk. Do not use light products as they are less healthy and help you lose weight. Eat plenty of raw foods and do not steam or cook everything. Just eat fish, meat and poultry with a good organic or quality. Add to any meal dessert and better yet a tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil. 3 tablespoons of coconut oil be therapeutic for the thyroid and metabolism. Not. Forget your essential plant omega 3/6
The higher the health value of what you eat, the less you need to meet. You drive for essential nutrients have Refined food will your cells to die a little, reduce your vitality and give you little in return.
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